Saturday, July 01, 2006

Walk Sixty-eight –Lying down on Grace’s bench

This was in the cool of Langley Wood, lying down on the bench. I had intended to walk a huge circuit today (with several drawings) as my own little contribution to the 10th world sketchcrawl. However Robin rang me and reminded me about the church summer fair, so I thought a circuit around the church grounds would provide better material for a sketchcrawl. The pictures from that will be posted on my other blog.


Blogger Alison said...

What a lovely place Grace has for her bench. Beautiful perspective.

6:01 am  
Blogger seesue said...

Blessings to you! I hope Grace's bench is a place of comfort for you. I LOVE this sketch! I'm convinced I could not create anything so lovely with this perspective but I'm so glad that YOU can. Is your sky w/c or photoshop? The rest I'm sure is w/c, right? Julie, I love it.

6:32 pm  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

The first time I came across this bench in the middle of the woods, it was bit of a surprise. However maybe Grace was like me and regarded the wood as her own. By the time I go maybe her bench will need replacing and we could have Julie's bench.

Sue everything is watercolour apart from a few pen lines on the tree trunks.

10:41 pm  
Blogger Making A Mark said...

It's so nice looking up at trees - must make watercolour painting a bit more interesting though if you're lying down on the bench! ;)

9:07 am  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Ha, ha. Well it was more a case of lie down, look, remember, sit up, paint, lie down, look etc.

2:38 pm  
Blogger Weichuen You said...

I love many paintings in this series, and it's really impossible for me to leave a message in my favorite posts because there are just too many!

I love this post because I often see trees from the same perspective, but I don't think I can draw it like you. Beautiful!

3:40 am  

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