Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Walk Sixty-five – Drawing in the dark

A busy day, so I only managed my walk after getting back from London at 10:30. I don’t know how the antipodean branch of ‘One Mile From Home’ manage all this night-time drawing. The colour was noted down and added in Photoshop.


Blogger Hashi said...

I love the style of this -- and as always, admire your commitment to your walking. I will be home from Kentucky tomorrow and will post the sketches I've done on my walks in this part of the world.

1:07 am  
Blogger Jana Bouc said...

Beautiful! Your work is just phenomenal and so inspiring! I'm considering trying something similar and wonder how much time you allow generally spennd on the painting/drawing on your walks. I tend to get lost in time when I'm drawing which can be a problem.

7:13 pm  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thank you Hashi. I hope it hasn't been too onerous this time.
Jana yes I get lost at times. There's a drawing on my other blog of the new Damien Hirst sculpture which I drew while my friend and I were waiting for someone. I swear I spent 5 minutes on it. Whereas when I asked her how long I'd been she reckoned it was nearer 10 minutes. The time I allow for the one mile pics varies hugely dependent on a) whether I have the time b)the weather. Sometimes I have the time to add to a picture later so it can get hugely improved back home. I spent hardly any time in the dark on this and I really thought it looked embarrasingly poor, but the colour I added in Photoshop really transformed it.

11:56 pm  
Blogger Making A Mark said...

Drawing in the dark is great fun. Go with a few coloured pencils and then see whether you guessed right when you get home!

11:29 am  
Blogger Alison said...

I can't really imagine how you do the fading colours in photoshop but you seem to have achieved what I was trying to get with paint the other day - blue to yellow without green in between. Anyway, this pic has a lovely mood to it.

1:00 pm  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Katherine, it was bad enough with one pen!
Alison, Photoshop is a great package and I learned all the trickery you can do with it for the day job. This was an awful lot easier than trying to paint a gradation

11:13 pm  
Blogger Penny said...

This antipodean doesnt walk in the dark! If I fell over no one would find me except the cows. Lovey work.

3:42 am  
Blogger Kormokodranas said...

this drawing is absolutely amazing. Can i use it on my blog? I will write a note, that it's yours. If you don't want me to use it, just say it, i will remove it.

7:33 pm  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Thank you for your nice comment. And thank you for asking, although I see you've placed the image without waiting for my reply. I earn my living from being paid for design and illustration so I would normally only allow free use of my images either for a worthy cause, such as a charity, or if someone is writing a review of my work and linking back. If I was sympathetic to the writing in your blog, I'd say yes. However regrettably I can't read your language, so I would prefer it if my work is not used unless I can be sure that the content of your blog is such that I would happily allow free use of my work.

12:46 pm  

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