Monday, June 19, 2006

Walk Fifty-six – My walking companion


Ladies, if like me it’s been a long time since a lorry driver or building worker acknowledged your existence, and, if you’re missing the attention, what you need is one of these. There is nothing like a handsome manly dog such as my Staffordshire Bull Terrier to turn heads as you set off down the street!

I attempted several quick sketches this evening - most of which were truly dire. A night with barely any sleep meant that I only walked the ‘minimum’ round Langley wood, so no map because you'll be sick to death of seeing the same route.


Blogger Making A Mark said...

Julie - I don't know what's wrong but I can't see any of your pictures or maps after Walk 51

11:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is a very handsome boy!

1:44 am  
Blogger Alison said...

just a few quick lines - so expressive. The staff. bull terriers here are all jaw and teeth and are owned by people who fantasise about going wild pig hunting - they certainly turn my head and I walk swiftly away :)

2:50 am  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Katherine, that's wierd. It works for me on both Firefox and Safari on the mac and all the pictures have been put on Flickr, and there's obviously no problem for some other people. Let me know if the problem persists and which browser and platform you're using.

Yes Rachel, he is isn't he.

Alison - blooming owners - they should be shot. Rufus would lick a burglar to death. Most intelligent Staff owners choose the dog because they are fantastic with people and children. There's a lot of confusion between American pit bulls, American Staffs and proper English Staffs. The latter (Rufus's type) have been bred for years to be really good with people (though not so good with other dogs - which fortunately is not a problem with Rufus)so you need to be a fairly monstrous owner to train the dog to be aggressive with people.

10:22 am  
Blogger Julie Oakley said...

Just to add Alison, the misconceptions about what Rufus might be like are of course rather useful when walking alone. Mind you he usually gives the game away within seconds of meeting someone - licking and proferring himself for pats and strokes - so everyone knows that he's a real softie.

10:27 am  
Blogger Shirlie said...

I stumbled on your blog whilst looking for cow's...inspiration searching for some work. You have inspired me on two the blog itself 'One Mile From Home' it has given me more inspiration to carry on and continue to pick up my pencil again and create some work (its been a long time and teaching along with family life tends to get in the way :) ) and number two your lovely sketch of your gorgeous Staffie Rufus. I myslef have 3 Staffie's (we must be mad) and couldn't agree more on your comments. Such softies, crazy, funny and full of character and very loyal the best of companions...definately big on licks too. Thank you. I am going to see if I can record my journey in becoming creative again

1:28 am  
Blogger Shirlie said...

p.s I teach in funny!

1:29 am  

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