Walk Two Hundred and Thirteen – Famous at last!

I was quickly drawing this scene in between my third and fourth trips to and from nursery, when the householder of the house to the right of the fence came out to check what this strange woman was doing near his front garden. After assuring him I wasn’t up to any nefarious activity, and continuing my drawing, I was then approached by another man who said ‘Are you the lady who does those drawings on that website?’ Now, my Australian one-milers, for one moment I thought we’d hit the big time – lurkers all over Sandridge, Canberra and Victor Harbour feverishly logging in to get their fix of one-mile drawings – multi-million pound publishing deals ran through my head, the Getty museums knocking at the door. Anyway back to reality, it turns out that Mark (hello there, Mark) had been directed to my blog by the Sandridge Village website – where of far greater interest to him, the babysitting services of Tom and Flo are advertised. Ho hum.
Too funny! I had the impression that where you lived was surrounded by nothing but gorgeous fields and woods and the occasional farm. It's nice to see some houses too.
Oh Julie, what a hoot! Any way I like your street scene, they just take longer to do I find.
Lovely bunch of houses. How old is your village? A thousand years old if you dig deeply?
People who lurk on your blog -that's funny eh. We get a lot more interest in the babasiga blog and sometimes people comment that actually know us but we can't always place them. I think sometimes of my former students from the 60s and 70s in Fiji. You know that army commodore who is itching for action in Fiji was at Marist Brothers High School in Suva when I taught Form 3 art there. Okay, not my fault what kids do when they grow up!
Jana we do have houses, but there aren't that many spots where I would feel comfortable drawing them. Also Penny I agree, I have to spend a bit more time on the perspective so anything with buildings can take longer.
Wendy I think the Romans were here, The chancel arch in St. Leonard's church is made of Roman bricks and the outside building angles contain fragmented Roman tiles which presupposes that a nearby Roman house was used for building material by the Saxons. Also in 1994 a cut-down cupro alloy sestertius coin struck by Antoninus Pius (AD 138/161) was found in the garden of Darby's Stores. However most of the houses are twentieth century
Oh and Wendy, isn't the Marist brothers next door to my first school, Stella Maris?
Don't know Julie. I never noticed. I taught at Marist in '71 - two days a week, and one day at Dudley, and those boys at Marist were smart and nice kids. We used to do a lot of stencils for screen printing that year - I used the science teacher's scalpels as we had to use the science room!
Just leaving my Mark
ha ha Mark!
Claire doesn't think I'm very funny either!
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