Further pictures from yesterday and why not to buy a moleskine
The moleskine has only just hit the St Albans shop (yes that was supposed to be singular!) and I stupidly bought the only blank paged one they sold. Whatever you do, don’t buy the same one for drawing in, (the thinner pages) it’s rubbish as it needs tons of Photoshop trickery to hide the show-through from page to page as you can see from the before picture here.
What a crapper abt the thin pages. Did you add the red in photoshop? cause I'm thinking that will really bleed through!
On a more positive note I'm admiring the information you manage to convey with a charming sparcity (is that a word) of line.
These pictures weren't here a couple of hours ago - you must be up in the middle of the night? Well, i know that can provide such wonderful silent time for busy parents
Sue, the red was added in Photoshop.If sparcity isn't a word it should be.
Alison, yes middle of the night, I couldn't sleep.
Julie ... oh oh oh, I love my Moleskine. I think maybe you bought the wrong one. There are Moleskines for writing (thin pages, sometimes lined) and heavy pages that take paint well.
You can see some examples in my travel journals
Janice, I did buy the wrong one, but I've also had the one with thicker pages and I still think its a tad overrated. Portability, compactness, looks, up-to the-minute-fashion-item - great. Paper - smooth, so can be good for some media, but that cream colour can really dictate the feel of a picture and the water repellent quality of it means that personally I'm not prepared to waste my time trying to scrub water colours into the surface when I can usse something else. Still I will try the watercolour one. BTW I tracked back and couldn't find your travel journals.
The sketchbook one comes in two sizes ( smaller one is very much over-priced) and has the purple band around it - and is called a sketchbook.
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