Walk Three Hundred and Sixty-Five – Home

That’s it, the house in the middle is the starting point for nearly all of the walks. We moved the car (which is normally parked in front) down the road so that I could see the house properly. Robin asked if I wanted the tandem and trailer (just behind the wall) moved, but I liked the reminder of the cycle trips this morning and at lunch, taking Xavier to and from nursery. In the winter there’s usually a pile of boots either side of the door behind the brick arch.
At this moment I am at the downstairs window facing the birdtable, typing at my computer. After painting this I went for my walk round the bluebell wood. A funny sad, wistful walk. The adventure is over, thank you one and all, especially Alison and Penny for joining me, Robin for putting up with our lives having to revolve around me fitting in my walk and sketch, Katherine for being so supportive, Hashi for taking the baton from me and all of you – you know who you all are – who visited regularly and added your thoughts and support.
380mm x 225mm pen and watercolour on W&N watercolour paper
I have been waiting to see the house, such a nice looking one, maybe one day I will really see it!
Sad that today has come but i know we wont have lost you entirely Julie, it has been quite a journey and i am glad you have lost some of that weight,the reason for it all, made it all worth while. Somehow i think that you gained far more than the weight you lost. Love Penny
What a beautiful home!! But oh, I have so enjoyed your walks and the images you posted ... please let us know when your book is ready -- I love these scenes of yours!
I really love this painting! It is awesome.
We will all so enjoy that book when it comes out. Please keep us up to date about it, Julie. I feel a lump in my throat, but I tell myself, "Come on, now, you'll visit her every day on JULIE's PICTURES." Thank you for letting us walk with you through your life for a year and for filling our own lives with so much beauty.
Julie I have been observing you on the side nearly right from the very beginning and must commend you on dedication to complete what you set out to do.
This sketch of your home is wonderful. To me I think it is much more than a sketch; perhaps a painting that shows a loving place to be.
I look forward to seeing what direction your creative side takes you now. :)
It's been fun watching this and I've really enjoyed your lovely art work, and admired your persistence.
Julie - I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes and it's not just because this is the end and I'm a sentimental old so and so. I have so enjoyed your walks and your sketches and getting to know you. However I think your journey has been so much bigger and further than the daily 'one mile from your home' - and it's been an absolute privilege to be able to share it with you.
You've got to come sketchcrawling in London and then we can meet up! Or maybe everybody in the UK who's been watching should do a special sketchcrawl with Julie in Hertfordshire next time there is one on? Or maybe both!!!
Julie, very well done! I think it's amazing that you set yourself such a difficult goal and never faltered even through the worst of times.This is a stunning painting on which to finish! Congratulations!
What a wonderful finish - and the home sketch is so lovingly depicted, Bravo on a wonderful year toward health and reflection and love. I will sorely miss your daily treks and accountings.
I discovered your site in mid Jan. I live in northern Indiana, USA. I have not missed a day since. You are such an inspiration. I would be interested in a book also. Congradulations on reaching your goal.
I only found your blog about 3 months ago and have so enjoy reading and viewing the sketches. Every night before heading off to bed I would check in to see your latest installment. Will truely miss your walks.
congratulations on completing a year of daily sketchwalks! been very enjoyable and extremely inspiring.
Done, at last! What an achievement. It's been such fun to participate in this challenge, to share snippets of our lives and local haunts and be able to feel so virtuous as we go. It really has been a special year. Thank you for all your wonderful contributions and inspiration. Alison
I'll miss this blog so much, Julie. Congratulations on a job very well done. It's so nice to see your house, the starting point of all of this year's adventures!
Dear Julie
What am I going to do for my everyday cheer up!
I start in the office with boring work and spam emails - get them out of the way as quickly as possible so I can move on to my Mile a Day treat.
It ahs been especially wonderful as I know the places you have drawn and watching the seasons has beeen very special.
I am saving my pennies to come at bluebell time next year!
Wow, congrats on a fantastic project! I wonder what you will do next, I hope whatever it is, you'll share your art w/ us online. By the way, this house is just gorgeous. :)
I am so overwhelmed with all of your comments. I felt so strange the day after. I really felt quite sad and tearful, especially when I read what you all had to say. It has been a truly wonderful experience and I'm itching to start the next project - I just hope that you'll be as interested in it as I am.
Oh, Julie-- We WILL! We WILL!
this is truly inspirational
Ooops! I missed your last few walks. I have been suffering a bereavement depression too, and lost interest in blogs for a while. Great credit to you for keeping going throughout. I am casting round in my mind for a similar idea to motivate me. Can't think what it will be as I am no artist and don't walk far these days. But your project has been so impressive, and refreshing, an inspiring, and I am delighted you have finished with your house.
Very nice art, Julie. All of your stuff is good. Look forward to more of your posts.
A truly wonderful site to which I will often return. A place in which to rest a bit and charge the battery, so to speak. Mary from Meander With Me
What a fantastic idea. I'm so pleased that I've come across your blog, but disappointed that I came across it so late in the day. Is there a book? I hope that you have a new project on the go and that you are enjoying it.
Wow that is amazing, I love it!
What a fantastic project, I'm sad that I've only just found it but I'm going back to the beginning to read it properly. Good luck with whatever you do next! Btw, you have a beautiful home.
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